Over Christmas we found we had some uninvited yet unusual visitors in the house, well to be more precise in the cupboard under the sink. Tiny droppings and chewed cleaning clothes gave them away. The droppings were quite small for a mouse, but we thought it might just be a youngster.
So a trap was set. A live one I might add, baited with Crunchy Peanut Butter (Organic).
Overnight I caught the culprit, but no mouse. Our visitor was a Field Vole (Microtus agrestris) quite a surprise. So it was transported up the track to an area in the hedge free from the freeze and snow, deep in the middle where it could find shelter.
Just to be on the safe side, because the damage under the sink seemed a lot for one small animal. the trap was baited again and replaced.
To date I have caught six voles under the sink.
The latest visitor in the trap.
The vole makes a bid for freedom.
It poses for a little while before racing into the undergrowth under the hedge.
Hopefully the is the last of our visitors, but the trap is back under just in case. We can only think one of the cats brought a pregnant female in and let it go, the sort of tricks they like to play on you.
The snow has gone. It disappeared overnight a day back when the wind swung round and blew from the warm South. It was just amazing how it just went away. Heavy rain all through yesterday and overnight cleared away the compacted stuff and icy patches, so our track is completely clear. The weather is milder and feels so much warmer.
Everywhere is misty with a light drizzle falling at times, so welcome after the cold we have had.