Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wonderful Weigela

Weigelas have shown masses of flowers this year. the plain leaved one has been exceptional as the flowers have been giving off a delightful perfume, stronger this year than other years.

weigela florida, weigela, weigela flowers, scented weigela Weigela florida

The scent is I can only describe as having a slight powdery flowery highlight. Think of a talcum powder used by a favourite ancient Aunt or Grandmother, warm and homely.

Weigela flowers attract Bees to them, especially Bumble Bees who crawl through the flowers slowly and methodically.

weigela florida variegata, weigela and bumblebee  Flowers of Weigela florida variegata attracting a Bumblebee

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


On dull days in Spring the Magnolia stellata lights up any area it is growing in

magnolia stellata, star magnolia Magnolia stellata or Star Magnolia

Slow growing and suitable for small areas, it will thrive in sun or semi shade on well drained lightly acidic soil, although it has some tolerance to lime. But position it where it does not get the early morning sun as like Camellias frosted buds will be damaged by fast warming first thing in the morning.

magnolia stellata close up Close up of Magnolia stellata