Sunday, April 26, 2009

26th April 2009

26th_april_09 26th April 2009

26th_april_08 26th April 2008


26th April 09: The Bluebells are just starting to come out.

Bluebell. Hyacinthiodes non-scripta

We are very lucky in this country to have Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) in the number that we do. It has been estimated that Britain holds between 25%-50% of the worlds Bluebells.

One of the main problems affecting the Bluebell stocks comes not only from the possibility of global warming affecting some areas of Bluebells and their growth. But gardens that have the Spanish Bluebell planted (Hyacinthoides hispanica), threatening the wild Bluebell by hybridising  or crossing with it to form another form Hyacinthoides x massartiana.

As our natural stocks are of worldwide importance, we need to ensure that they are not basically polluted with the Spanish bluebell.

Anyone can help immediately by making sure that their garden does not contain the non native forms of Bluebells. Grub up any plants that you may have and compost the remains, covering any flowering parts by burying in the compost heap. If left on top insects can still get to the pollen and distribute it.

For guides that help tell the difference between natural Bluebells and the Spanish form go to the  website, where there are several guides available and a chance to take part in the Bluebell survey.

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