Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bluebells abloom

On banks and in the woodland the Bluebells are now coming out in full. A wonderful sight and if the temperature is just right the air is filled with their delicate scent.

Here in Britain we it's estimated that we have between 25-50% of the world population of Bluebells. Unfortunately some of our true stock Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) are under threat.  Spanish Bluebells (Hyacinthoides hispanica) have been introduced into gardens and have found to be crossing with our native forms forming Hyacinthoides x massartiana a hybrid Bluebell.

The hybrid  may be classed as pretty by many people, but is courser in it's looks to our native form. Thankfully we are out of the way and so our Bluebells are strictly native forms.

bluebells, hyacinthoides non-scripta Bluebells growing in the bank.


Every year I am caught unawares by the Pittesporum (Pittesporum tenuifolium). A sweet delicate scent drifts over to me, then I realise the Pittesporum  in flower once again.

Against the dark green foliage the small dark flowers are very indistinct, and you have to wonder how so much perfume comes from such a tiny flower. But there is strength in numbers.

pittesporum, pittesporum tenuifolium A large bush of Pittesporum approximately 10 feet tall.

pttesporum flowers  Small dark flowers of the Pittesporum, all but insignificant.






While we are on scent (again), another of my favourites is in bloom. Erysimum cheiri 'Harpur Crewe'  This is a lovely double flowered form of wallflower. It forms a dense plant of around 16" tall and about 12" wide. Completely unfussy in it's soil needs and tolerates well drained fairly poor conditions. But rewards with masses of very sweetly scented flowers at this time of year.

Harpur Crewe is not very common and will need to be searched out, but it is well worth it.

Erysimum cheiri 'Harpur Crewe' double flowered wallflower Erysimum 'Harpur Crewe' happily growing right on the edge of a wall.

Spring border The border in Spring.

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