Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hidden guests.

We noticed the activity going on and hear the busy buzzing and thought it was coming from the bank of soil in that part of the garden. But tracking them down we were surprised to find them hiding in an unexpected place.

buxus sepavirens elegantissima, variegated box, box bush Buxus sempervirens 'Elegantissima'

Carefully pulling aside the foliage exposed the well formed nest.

wasp nest 

Knowing how touchy wasps are having their photos taken, okay not really they just hate to be disturbed. I got a shot of the nest hanging inside the Variegated box bush.

wasp nest hanging in the box

It took me three goes to get this shot as they got a little agitated when the foliage was gently pulled away. Now they will be left alone to get on with their lives.

We never mind having wasps nesting in the garden and invariably we have one somewhere. But to us it feels like a privilege that they have chosen us to stay with. Not many people I know think this way.

But welcome guests they are as they are voracious predators of  numerous garden pests such as flies and caterpillars and have even been known to take the odd small slug! Strange though the adults only hunt for meaty prey for the young developing wasp in the nest. The adults themselves are vegetarian depending on nectar, pollen and as any fruit grower knows, succulent ripe fruit.

Last year they had a few of our ripe gages and we had to watch out when we picked them for ourselves, but we did not worry over a loss of a few. We all need to share in this world.

Just wish they would show a little more appreciation sometimes in stead of giving a painful raised swelling. But then that's a Wasp isn't it.

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