Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Soft As Down

The large Thistle that came up at the side of the veg plot has now gone to seed. It was quite an impressive size and really sharp points to it. But the colourful purple flowers make it well worth while leaving to grow on. Not only that but it is an important insect food, attracting many insects to the nectar it produces.

Now the soft downy seeds have come, the Goldfinches will be visiting it for the carbohydrate rich seeds they need to build up their fat reserves for winter.

cirsium vulgare, common thistle, thistle seedheads

Thistle seed heads (Cirsium vulgare)

For a good number of years I have looked for a variegated Nettle and finally found one (see Trouble with Nettles)  called Brightstone Bitch. It is a lovely yellow variegated Nettle, well worth a place in the garden.

Sods law though often has a laugh and a month or so after acquiring it I found a nettle with a tiny variegated patch on a shoot. So I carefully nurtured the shoot and have now produced my own variation of a yellow variegated Nettle.

urtica dioca, variegated nettle

Variegated Nettle (Urtica dioca)

It looks very much the same as Brightstone Bitch (Trouble with Nettles) but so far it seems to be a shorter form keeping it's shape even while flowering, whereas Brightstone Bitch grows quite tall. Anyhow we shall have to see how it performs over time.

Ever one not to be satisfied I would love a white variegated Nettle to come along :-)

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